ALERT: Time to vote on the best and worst parts of the end of the school year!

The popular Netflix reality competition series, The Circle, is a dramatic battle to the finish line between multiple contestants just trying to survive the madness. The end of the school year for teachers can often be described in a similar fashion. This school year even more than others has almost felt like a reality game show at times, where the rules are always changing, obstacles are constantly being thrown at you, and every day is a new challenge. If only we had a chance to win $100,000 at the end, that’d be nice!

Whether you’ve watched the show or not, if you’re a teacher struggling to the finish line we call summer break, you can definitely relate to these end-of-the-year feels, as told by the contestants on The Circle.

1. When admin tells you they’re moving you to another grade level again next year when you were just getting in the rhythm...

2. When a first-year teacher comes to you at the end of the year saying they don’t know why they got into teaching…

3. When you look at the calendar and there are only 2 Mondays left in the school year…

4. When another teacher finally snaps in the middle of a staff meeting and calls out Carol for asking so many questions…

5. When a parent asks for an explanation of their child’s grade and you already have a full list of reasons to share…

6. When admin asks who has other obligations during the summer preventing them from teaching summer school…

7. When a student asks what they can do for extra credit and you tell them to build a time machine to go back and do all the assignments they didn’t do…

8. When your teacher BFF brings you coffee right when you’re about to have a mental breakdown…

9. When admin keeps reassuring you that the difficult times are behind us and everything will soon be back to normal

10. Getting ready for school each morning in May, just trying to make it to the finish line…

11. When you’re exhausted, you haven’t planned a lesson for the day, and your students are begging to watch a movie…

12. When a parent calls to ream you out again for something and all you want to do is scream out:

13. When you’re having one of those days and admin walks in for an unannounced observation…

14. When you find out you’ll be in the same classroom next year and don’t have to move everything…

15. When they announce there will be free food and drinks at the end of the year meeting…

16. When you take a personal day and your coworkers give you a hard time because there are no subs and they had to split your class between theirs

17. When you see other teachers on social going out with friends because their school year ends way before yours…

18. When you and your teacher bestie find out your classrooms are going to be next to each other in the fall…

19. When it’s time to clean your classroom and you don’t know where to start…

20. When you get a note from a student checking in on you to make sure you’re doing OK…

21. The moment you turn in your last grades and reports of the school year…

22. When you’ve come to the end of the most difficult year of teaching in your life and all the emotions start pouring out…

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