Childhood bullying has been around for centuries at school, in the hallways, the locker rooms, and even right inside the classroom walls. Nowadays, with the overwhelming presence of social media, bullying has become even easier and even more dangerous. It’s our duty as teachers to promote kindness, giving, and teamwork, as much as we possibly can. Kids see enough of it on the Internet, in the media, on the news, in the movies, and in their own homes. Teachers need to have a zero tolerance policy on bullying in their classrooms and administrators in their schools. Teaching children the value of being kind, giving without expecting anything in return, and helping each other, is as important as (if not more than) teaching them algebra, physics, history, and grammar.

Promote it in your classroom and around your school by starting discussions about it with your students and by making positive bulletin boards like the ones below. They might take you a little time to put together, but the difference they’ll make in the world will last a lifetime. So get to work and go throw some kindness around like confetti!

1. Everyone fits in here!

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Via:   S&S Worldwide

2. Before you… THINK!

Via: Doreen Crowe

3. In this school, we swim together!

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Via: Pinterest

4. I look to a day when…

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Via: KleinSpiration

5. It takes courage to stand out.

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Via: The Upper Elementary Counselor

6. Take what you need, give what you can…

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Via: Kindness Girl

7. Don’t stand by, Stand Together!

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Via: Craftibilities

8. Bullying will “ketchup” to you.

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Courtesy of Brooke Iverson

9. Be a bucket filler!

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Via: Pinterest

10. Don’t be a bully, be a star!

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Via: Art Skills

11. Be a buddy, not a bully.

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Via: My First Grade Backpack

12. Be the reason someone smiles today!

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Courtesy of Donna Dini

13. I can’t control anyone else…

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Via: Pinterest

14. Our social contract:

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Via: Kindergarten Kindergarten

15. One School, One Goal

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Via: Open Hearts and Open Arms

16. Always choose kind!

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Via: Esther Uribe

17. Planting the seeds of kindness

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Via: Pinterest


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Courtesy of Teacher DP

19. “Dohnut” Bully!

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Via: Perry Local Schools

20. Take a stand, lend a hand.

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Via: Pinterest

21. In this class, we stick together.

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Via: Apples and Abc’s Blog

22. Before you speak, think and be smart.

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Via: Squarehead Teachers

23. We are a box of crayons…

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Via: libbyrosentreter

24. Which side of history do you want to be on?

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Via: Pinterest

25. Do the right thing…

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Via: Inspired

26. Anti-Bullying Pledge

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Via: Freeman Public Schools


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Via: Pinterest

28. Every child is a different kind of flower…

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Via: Pinterest

How do you encourage kindness and prevent bullying in your classroom? Send in your photos for a chance to be featured!

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